Saturday, September 28, 2019

Shepherd's Meat Loaf Wellington

This turned out to be pretty brilliant! Glazed curry meat loaf with peas and carrots like Shepherd's Pie, with a bottom layer of loaded mash, all in a flaky crust. Was a lot of work but WOO HA pretty big payoff.

Meat Loaf Mix:
1 package puff pastry
1 lb. ground sirloin
1 lb. bulk sausage
1 onion, diced
1 cup breadcrumbs
2 eggs
1 lb. sliced mushrooms
beef bullion paste, 1 tablespoon
1 package frozen peas and carrots
salt, pepper, thyme, rosemary, whatever seasoning you like
Worcestershire sauce, 2 tablespoons
small can green chiles, chopped
1 teaspoon anchovy paste
1 teaspoon yellow curry paste

3/4 cup ketchup
2 tablespoons tomato paste
juice of half a lime
1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup dried minced onion

Egg wash:
2 eggs whisked with water

Potato Mix:
5 russet potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 bundle green onions diced
1 cup bacon bits
1 tablespoon beef bullion
salt, pepper

Set out the puff pastry for 40 minutes before using, or it might crack.

Sautee the mushrooms in bacon fat. When no more moisture comes off, add a tablespooon of beef bullion and a little water, reduce and set aside.

Cook the bacon and set aside.

As you start doing the above, boil a gallon of water. When boiling  salt heavily, add potatos, cook 12 minutes until tender. Drain and rinse, and lay out on aluminum foil to dry out and cool. Mash, season and lube to taste.

Mix the meat loaf ingredients.

Prep the egg wash.

Roll out the puff pastry onto parchment or foil, floured. Try to stretch it out to about 20 inches. Place a 1 inch deep by 4 inches wide layer of mash along the first lengthwise third of the sheet.

Now we have to think about how to roll this monstrosity, which is why it's built on foil or parchment. Fold in sides and stretch out the dough to wrap and hopefully overlap (mine didn't). Coat with egg wash. We want to flip it over onto baking sheet seam side down.
I used the parchment to help me carry and flip it, then finished the top with egg wash, pierced with knife every inch across the top, and sprinkled parsely and poppy seeds just for looks.

The recipes I cobbled this from said cook 425F for 20 minutes to 165F internal. After 20 minutes, I had 120F internal :( Maybe I should have done one loaf at a time in the oven.  Another 10 minutes got me there, and the dough was looking pretty darn dark, but still pretty good!

I let it sit for 15 minutes uncovered for carryover cooking and cooling. 

Slice and taste. Looks fairly decent, crust is good, meat is loafy.
Taste. Woah. Another. YEEEAH. Wow! Ok, this thing is a winner and will really impress guests. Tastes great and has that homey feel in my tummy.

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